
I am not a lone voice crying in the wilderness for all to see this truth of the deceitful and conceited work of Mike Peters. There are many others to be found on the web and some of those can be confirmed in real life via phone or in some cases face to face. As time goes, God is having those who have been adversely affected --by the teachings and practices originating from Mike Peters-- come to know of his exposure to the public eye and share their story of involvement and the sickening impact Mike has put on them and/or their families. We have been praying for this and God has been answering. If the man known as “maleman” on FACTNet had not spoken up in his Christian love for his brother, others may not have had the healing process that has been produced by the justice publicly dealt out to a man who claims to be a teacher and leader in God’s Word.
If we are to follow in our obedience to God as members of His Blood bought Church, then the following command must stand until (and only until) Mike steps down from his self-proclaimed position of being a so-called leader in Jesus Christ’s Church.
1 Tim 5:19-21
“Do not receive an accusation against an elder except from two or three witnesses. Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear. I charge you before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels that you observe these things without prejudice, doing nothing with partiality.”
1) Are we of the Body of Christ as believers and disciples of Jesus Christ and His real “Truth of the Gospel”?
2) How many witnesses have we had here for many months now? I’ve lost count!
3) Is Mike sinning? If that is even a question now, someone has not been paying much attention, or they are blind themselves.
4) Are we in the presence of all here? The internet reaches across the world as Mike has claimed this as his reach.
5) (and the most vital factor here) So what is Paul’s charge to those of us who say they are obedient disciples of the FULL counsel of God?
I’ll say this first to those yet in need of some further healing after the wolves have torn at you or your family for some time. YOU AND PERTINENT FAMILY MEMBERS MUST COME TO KNOW AND SEE GOD’S GRACE IN FULL MEASURE BEFORE YOU WILL BE READY TO FIGHT IN THIS SPIRITUAL BATTLE OUT IN THE OPEN HERE. I believe it is wisdom that until this process has been completed for you by God’s grace, that you remain anonymous and yet freely speak remembering Jesus words “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves”. For you must be prepared for their devices of personal attack against you or yours when you reveal your name.
TO the other “witnesses” I believe I should say this. If you have been blessed to find a local church nearby ministering the COMPLETE UNBIASED AND UNPERVERTED GOSPEL, or if you are praying and watching for this, then you are responsible --as a member of the Church on this earth and a witness to the abuses of Mike Peters-- to pray, seek God’s grace for wisdom, and tell your side of the story and your Biblical discernment over his teaching and practice. We all have seen the proof of Mike’s retaliating with lies at each and every one who testifies of Mike’s ways. As he also twisted God’s own words as seen through his practices. Hurt and fear are elements which God can heal in you through coming to know and understand “The Truth of the Gospel” and being SET FREE from the guilt and condemnation of 100% of your past failures. We all have clearly come to know that Mike only needs a tiny trace of truth, if that, to mix a massive measure of lies and make monstrous false accusations about those who testify of his abuses. Everyone who reads FACTNet knows this. And to the falsely accused, your own conscience before God knows you have long repented and have been cleansed and forgiven by the One and ONLY High Priest of Heaven, Jesus Christ Himself. SO, just who can bring a charge against you and then think they could stand in the court of God’s judgment without fearful consequences? ONLY A BLIND AND FOOLISH MAN!!!
We as the Living Church (though living at distances physically) are of One Spirit indwelt by HIS TRUE GRACE which keeps and saves us. We, therefore, are to bring BIBLICAL JUSTICE on Mike’s practices as it is clearly written in God’s Word thru a REAL APOSTLE of our faith, Paul.
Someone has said months ago: “Hey Dennis: You made your point a long time ago... you and your wife's words are here for all to see for as long as Factnet exists. I would never presume to tell you what to do, but what else can you accomplish on this site?”
While I understand the spirit in which this advise was given, I must mention someone’s advice… no, command of far greater authority in the Church. For the Apostle Paul told us of a case like this:
“For there are many insubordinate, both idle talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole households, teaching things which they ought not, for the sake of dishonest gain.”
1) Have Mike and his adherents submitted to “The TRUTH of the Gospel of Grace in Christ Jesus”?
2) Are Mike and his adherents “both idle talkers and deceivers”?
3) Do they enforce a from of legalism as “those of the circumcision” did?
4) Do they “subvert whole households” as in the case of Tim Sz, those First_Truth mentioned, some others we have heard of, and God only knows how many others out there who have yet to testify if they haven’t already.
5) How many here can testify that Mike and his adherents are “teaching things which they ought not, for the sake of dishonest gain” as you see the lives and homes he has come to dominate and the luxuries Mike enjoys.
6) (and the most vital factor here) The one in the middle of this passage: Have their mouths been “STOPPED” yet?
We are commanded to deal with heretics and hypocritical liars who infiltrate the Church with their leaven to the extent that their tentacles reach. And to that extent we have been granted the ability to expose them. The World Wide Web is just that, WORLD-WIDE, and this is how far Mike intends to reach in his deception. They are of those “WHOSE MOUTHS MUST BE STOPPED!”. And we have been given the grace and ability by God to do so here and now, before we see another larger cult develop and so many are led astray because the True Church chose to be quiet in fear of a mere man full of Satanic deception! I do not want to be a part of that history when I stand before my Lord to give an account of my stewardship. It is time to stay alert and be in seriously fervent prayer. It is time for the Church to stop letting these things get out of control and grow like the Mormons, JWs or other because “it takes too much of our lives to deal with it” or “what good is my little help?”. WE MUST WAKE UP! When Paul said “so do these also resist the truth: but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all” (2 Tim:3:8b-9), should we believe that this is done without God using His Church for the process of discipline as in 1 Tim 5:19-20? In other words, Mike WILL progress further if his folly is not completely manifest TO ALL of those who are potentially under his sphere of influence and the cognizant Church will be responsible for this for He has already told us what to do. The same goes with any others who are infecting the Church with heresies.
Have I presented a good Biblical exhortation here for all the witnesses of Mike Peters practices? Does the number of posts one makes or the way something is typed for emphasis have anything to do with obeying God in His NT commands to deal with the likes of Mike Peters? YES! For if we stay silent, do you really think the Devil will be quiet as well, as he secretly whispers lies to the elect to deceive them if that were possible?
“And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.” (Mk 13:21-23)
Or in the case of the unsaved do you not know that the key is kept from them? For it is written:
“Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered.” (Luke 11:52)?
In spite of our imperfections and that we are all learning how to be more Christ-like as we go here, has not our continuing in this effort proven to be used of God and from that, a blessing to others. Those who have been seriously abused (some for years) by Mike Peters and his practices have since come along here to see that the fight wasn‘t abandoned and they took courage in the Lord? “Be on guard. Stand true to what you believe. Be courageous. Be strong. And everything you do must be done with love.” (1 Cor 16:13-14) This includes stopping the mouths of those who are luring God’s sheep to themselves and tearing them to pieces if they “try the door” or say what has really gone on in there. Do you think so many would have come forward here if we had quit? I believe they have testified that this has been a blessing and encouragement to them in knowing they were not ALONE (Mike‘s “bad word”). May we “encourage them daily” to look to Jesus as their source of Grace and Truth by sharing a pure understanding through God’s Word about this AWESOME LIFE PRESERVING GRACE! By doing this we encourage their own faith to see Him when they are ALONE. Do you think there are many others God could lead here yet over time? It is always time to be still to listen for God’s wisdom in prayer for this matter. But it is my belief that for most of us, now is not a time to be still or be quiet with your voice on this matter. We are each a member of the Church who’s life has “been hid with Christ in God” where the invisible Church --which is only made visible through His living Body of today-- is directed by the Mind of Christ through the complete counsel of His Word. For God only knows those who are watching for the understanding and compassion from those of us who know what they have also experienced.
We have been granted by God’s design the power to STOP their mouths! For Jesus Christ said to us regarding His revelation to the Church:
“And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Mt 16:19-20)
The key is “The Truth of the Gospel” which sets men free. This “key” is kept from those following a legalistic doctrine and yet can be proclaimed through our participation in Grace.
Christ’s Bride, are you making yourself ready for Him (Rev 19:7)? Are you binding on earth those things already bound in Heaven? Those things that cause others to be “estranged from Him”(Gal 5:4)? Are you letting Him use you to loose or set the captives free with Truth (Jn 8:32, )? He gave YOU the keys which have been kept from the enslaved. Go to the locked door, turn the key and show them THE TRUTH so they may see THE LIFE and know THE WAY out of their captivity (Jn 14:6). It IS up to you and me! Don’t be a part of letting God’s “people perish for lack of knowledge” (Hos 4:6).
Does anyone, beyond those who have been speaking-out already, have ears to hear amidst the loud smoke-filled explosions, machine guns of false accusation, and flamethrowers of Satan’s attacks?
We need your voice as a member of the Church…SO that their MOUTHS WILL BE STOPPED!!!
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