Friday, June 16, 2006


Any content I place on this blog or on any electronic public forum [FACTNet, Google Groups, or other] is my expressed opinion and belief through personal experience and/or information I have received and confirmed to the best of my ability and with prayerful consideration. No stated accusation or charge has been proven in the court of Law, nor do I personally know of a person or cult that is violating any particular law in any local or federal court. If I did know of such violations I would certainly report it to the proper authorities. As in legal terms, I believe that I have the "qualified privilege" to help other people receive counsel, sometimes called the "privilege of fair comment". The situations and events that might be considered "factual" will be stated as accurately as humanly possible. Slander and maligning of other’s character will not be tolerated or placed on this blog in any way from any one in as far as I can help it. Statements published in the comment sections on this blog are the sole responsibility of the commentator and should be seen as their own views. Offering assistance and Biblical encouragement and insight to victims of cults or their families, friends or neighbors is my desire, and presenting my viewpoint to help people avoid or turn away from that which is, in my opinion, a potentially tragic spiritual, mental, and emotional situation.

Please do not distribute (electronic or hard copy) anything from this website without this disclaimer being included.
Dennis Elslager


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